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Gold Production

Gold production is concentrated in the central part of the Republic of Uzbekistan and covers three regions

The value chain for gold production is a vertically integrated process. The main NMMC gold production facilities are distributed among the following mining administrations: Central Mining Administration, Northern Mining Administration, Southern Mining Administration, and "Kyzylkum" Mining Administration. The company’s production facilities became a solid foundation for the creation and development of the cities of Navoi, Uchkuduk, Zarafshan, and Nurabad.

The production facilities of these mining administrations are located in the territories of Navoi, Samarkand and Djizzak regions.

The production facilities of these mining administrations are located in the territories of Navoi, Samarkand and Djizzak regions.

8hydrometallurgical plants
2heap leaching plants

What We Do


Conducting geological exploration works

Reserves Estimation

State commission on reserves (SCR)
Reserves estimation


Development and approval of projects


Design and construction of production facilities and infrastructure

Open-pit mining

Our Assets

In Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company, open-pit mining is carried out at mines located in the Central, Northern Mining Administration, and at "Kyzylkum" Mining Administration.
View map

Open-pit mining

Muruntau Mine

Navoi Region

Year of launch


Gold Heap Leaching Plant

Tamdy District, Navoi Region

Year of launch


Auminzo-Amantoy Mine

Tamdy District, Navoi Region

Year of launch


Balpantau and Tamdybulak Deposits

Tamdy District, Navoi Region

Year of launch


Turbay Deposit

Tamdy District, Navoi Region

Year of launch


Vostochny (Eastern) Mine

Uchkuduk District, Navoi Region

Year of launch


Daugystau Mine

Kanimex District, Navoi Region

Year of launch


Pistali Mine

Nurata District, Navoi Region

Year of launch