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Innovation and an ongoing focus on developing new technology are a central focus for the Company.

NMMC works to incorporate the latest scientific developments and innovative solutions in its operations. Introducing new approaches to various aspects of management and production not only contributes to increased productivity, but also makes it possible to significantly improve the level of safety at our enterprises while minimizing environmental impact and ensuring sustainable growth.

Drivers of Innovation


163,000books in the NMMC library. Most of the books are written by NMMC employees: 10 books were published in 2023
562,000publications in digital format

NMMC employees are constantly working with scientific and technical publications

>70 articles in national scientific and technical magazines in 2023

The articles in magazines included in the Scopus citation database: ‘Non-Ferrous Metals’, ‘ Gornyi Zhurnal’, ‘ Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin’.

The company’s own scientific-technical and trade journal ‘Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan’ is recognised by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan and is also included in ‘Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory’.

The company has a unique intellectual base — its employees to date include 8 Doctors of Science and 18 Candidates of Science, including 1 woman

Research and Development

247patents for inventions and utility models (1957-2023)
57received during the years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Key Achievements


Gold Medal of the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) ‘For Invention’ for the development and implementation of the ‘Method of gold extraction from refractory sulphide gold-arsenic ores’.


National award of the first degree in the field of science and technology for research work ‘Development and implementation of integrated technology for exploration and processing of technological and refractory gold ores’.

Employee Initiatives

  • Annual competition ‘Best Innovative Proposals’
  • ‘Young Inventors and Innovators Club’

Key Innovations


The Uzbekistan-2030 Strategy adopted by the country sets a goal of building an information-based society with a high level of digitalization across economic sectors and social services.

With this in mind, NMMC is taking a leadership role in the development of the mining industry and the use of information technology to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of operations.

Over the last three years, NMMC specialists have developed more than 20 information systems that perform about 200 production and management tasks. As part of the digital transformation program, more than 40 events were held in 2021-2023 to introduce digital technologies into production and management processes.

To address these ambitious goals and achieve the target of increasing the level of digital maturity alongside the world’s leading mining companies, in 2023, NMMC drafted and adopted its own 2030 Digital Strategy, including the implementation of 12 digitalization programs and 67 digital projects.

Key Areas of Digitalization

Implementation of mining and geological information systems

Digital management of mining operations and equipment dispatching

Use of artificial intelligence systems in ore processing technological processes

Introduction of innovative technologies in processing operations / implementation of MES systems

Expansion of business intelligence (BI) tools usage

Introduction of innovations into production

Key projects